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Dr. Kovács Mónika Erika (MD, PhD)

She worked for over a decade at the Institute of Behavioural Sciences at the Semmelweis University as a psychiatrist, researcher, lecturer and trainer. She got her PhD degree in clinical medicine, in the fields of psychoneuroimmunology and the psychological aspects of allergic diseases.

She managed to get research and practical experience in the fields of behavioural science, sociology, psychopharmacology, psychotherapy, stress management, communication and relationship skills, development of personality, the mental health of elderly people and the mental health of women, just to mention a few.

She participated at the Hungarostudy – a nationwide health and life quality survey organized by the institute. She was the co-editor and author of several chapters of the monograph while processing the results of the survey.

She also has background in the fields of health IT, statistics and epidemiology. In 2010 she decided to find new challenges and now she is a self-employed writer, teacher working in the fields of environmentally and health conscious life-style, permaculture, the organic and healing architecture.

csigastrategia.com / kovidol.hu

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