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Címke: Bardócz Zsuzsanna A

Food, Health and Agriculture

Prof. Dr. Bardócz Zsuzsanna Our nutrition determines our health because it provides the necessary vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and fibers for our organism. 90 % of the diseases are related to faulty nutrition or are triggered by certain substances in our food that are harmful to health. The agriculture was transformed, industrialised, synthetic fertilizers, chemical […]

Prof. Dr. Bardócz Zsuzsanna Magdolna

She was born in Budapest in 1950. Having finished Rákóczi Gimnázium she studied at KLTE in Debrecen and graduated in chemistry in 1973. She got married and has 2 children. After her divorce she secured a position at the Institute of Biochemistry at DOTE in Debrecen. She was working as an assistant and later on […]
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