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Címke: Ertsey Attila A

How to build up an alternative Hungary, between East and West

Attila Ertsey DLA The artificially induced global crisis that started in 2020 is a part of a well-planned scenario. Those who triggered the crisis have unveiled their long-term plan, which they are pushing ahead at breakneck speed.The unfolding scenario points towards the One World Order, with the World Government on the top.The chaos orchestrated by […]

Attila Ertsey DLA

As an organic architect, his Master is the late Imre Makovecz. The source of his approach is the anthroposophy founded by Rudolf Steiner. He designs self-sufficient, autonomous houses and develop sustainable settlement strategies. 1985 BME Faculty of Architecture, Master of Architecture Doctor of Liberal Arts degree in 2013 at PTTE Breuer Marcell Graduate School University […]
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