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Címke: Farkas András A

Dr. Farkas András

Personal details: DOB 24.02.1973 in Jászberény, HungaryContact details: +36 20 263 2065E-mail: lupus73@gmail.com Married, father of 2 childrenHungarian and German citizenshipCurrent residence: Baden-Württenberg, Germany Education: 2000 Diploma in general medicine / Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest1999 Paramedic III qualification1993 – 2000 Studies in the field of general medicine at the Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest1991 Matriculation at […]

COVID, The Synonym for Change

Dr. Farkas András COVID turned up in our world in 2019. The virus, the vaccines against it, the masterplans of marketing, media hysteria and regulations of the governments changed our world fundamentally at the level of the individuals and that of the society. We have no idea about the long term effects of the past […]
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