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Címke: Kovács Mónika A

Dr. Kovács Mónika Erika (MD, PhD)

She worked for over a decade at the Institute of Behavioural Sciences at the Semmelweis University as a psychiatrist, researcher, lecturer and trainer. She got her PhD degree in clinical medicine, in the fields of psychoneuroimmunology and the psychological aspects of allergic diseases. She managed to get research and practical experience in the fields of […]

COVID-1984: Black box – The scenario of a mental epidemic and the way out

Dr. Kovács Mónika Erika (MD, PhD) Understandably, our attention is concentrated on the health effects of this mistery virus and how our health is affected by the experimental vaccines developed against the virus. However, why is this epidemic so strange? Even the worst epidemics of history subsided after 2 to 3 waves. In case of […]
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