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Címke: Margareta Griesz A

Times of crisis are times of chances

Dr. med. Margareta Griesz-Brisson The events of the last 2.5 years unmasked our weakness and gave us a glimpse of our potential. Mature, self-responsible and self-determined people around the world can guarantee peace on Earth and freedom over their bodies, lives and environment. How can we become strong and mature people to face the challenges […]

Dr. med. Margareta Griesz-Brisson

100 Harley Street London W1G 7JA UKTelephone +44 207 486 7010 Mobile +44 7872502128griesz_brisson@yahoo.com www.londonneurology.com Medical School: Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg, GermanyPhD: Pharmacology, Albert Ludwig University, Freiburg, GermanyMedical Specialty: New York University Medical CentreMedical License: Germany/USA/Switzerland/UK/Qatar/Bahamas/NorwaySpecialty: Neurology/Neurophysiology/Environmental Medicine 1982-1989 Medical School, Albert-Ludwig University, Freiburg, Germany 1989 Internship in Neurology and Psychiatry, Vienna, Austria 1990 House Officer […]
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