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Címke: Maria Hubmer-Mogg A

The power of the people for the people is an endless source of enlightenment and love!

Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg "…My Heartfelt gratitude, appreciation for the freedom fighters in Vienna and all around the world, you are showing the strength of the human spirit, the human resolve for freedom, sanctity of life and you are confronting the tyranny of this generation…" "…the key here is to realise who the enemy is, what […]

Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg

Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg is a steering committee member WCH, a MOTHER, medical doctor, resilience-coach, herbalist and activist who wants to help people to become more resilient in demanding times like these. With another "Mama-Bear" she organised over a dozen peaceful rallies against the Covid draconian measures in Austria. Her latest project #crowdRESILIENCE is there to […]
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