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Címke: Natalia Prego A

Dr. Natalia Prego

👉 Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).👉 Specialty in Family and Community Medicine carried out in Coimbra (Portugal).👉 University expert in Phytotherapy and Nutrition by UNED (Spain). * Medical experience more of 20 years of profession.* Practicing emergency medicine for more than 10 years.* Director of a Health […]

Ivermectin: a key piece in the treatment of post-covid-19 vaccine side effects

Dr. Natalia Prego After the massive vaccination campaigns around the world of covid-19, the effects of these experimental inoculations have begun to appear intensely and with high incidence for more than a year, increasing mortality worldwide. These so-called vaccines do not immunize, are not necessary and are not safe, due to insufficient research on them […]
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