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Címke: Walter Weber A

Dr. Walter Weber

I was born in 1944 in Düren (Rheinland, Germany). I passed the final exams at the Medical University in 1968 and I became a doctor of internal medicine in 1976. From 1979 to 2009 I was running a medical practice with 4 other colleagues in the field of hematology and oncology. Since 2009 I have […]

The Effects of the mRNS COVID Vaccines on Chemical and Physical Levels. Recognition and treatment of side effects, the Phenomenon of Shedding

Dr. Walter Weber Short overview about the actual COVID vaccines. It is highly questionable whether it is worth using vaccination in case of viral diseases causing a cold. According to the publication of the German Insurance Association the doctors working for the association reported 2,5 million side effects / 153 million COVID vaccine doses. To […]
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