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Címke: Willem Engel A

Willem Christiaan Engel

I studied Biopharmaceutical sciences from 1996-2001 (Leiden) and continued with a PhD in applied nanotechnology in single cell analysis 2002-2008 (Enschede & Leiden). After submitting my thesis my life took a radical turn, after a voyage around the world I made a difficult decision to dance full time as this was my calling. When C19 […]

One world, One health ideology, the new moral code

Willem Christiaan Engel One world, One health is an ideology that has been around for many years. It centers around the balance between human health, animal health and environmental vitality. It pursues a medical ethical change in society. Since 2004 (manhattan principles) this group has found an ally in the rockefeller foundation and has been […]
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