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3rd International Covid Conference in Budapest


& WFA Assembly

12th – 14th August 2022

Headquarters of MVSZ (1054 Budapest Semmelweis u. 1-3.)


Caraka Foundation

Please support our foundation in order to organize the conference successfully:
6100 Kiskunfélegyháza, Dr. Holló Lajos utca 23.
From Hungary: 11702043-21456499
From abroad: IBAN: HU92117020432145649900000000
Tax №: 19164481-1-03
Company reg. №: 03-01-0002609

Chief Patron of the Event:

MVSZ World Federation of Hungarians


Caraka Foundation

Chief Patron of the Event:

MVSZ World Federation of Hungarians



The Truth of the Saint Crown Advisory and Law Enforcement Association

Médicos Por la Verdad España

Spanish Doctors for the Truth

Iniciativa Slovenskih Zdravnikov

Initiative of Slovenian Doctors for the Truth

WFA - World Freedom Alliance

Doctors’ Alliance of the World for Freedom

Ärzte für Aufklärung

German Doctors for Enlightenment


Independent Association of Hungarian Doctors and Health Care Workers


Doctors, Scientists, Health Care Workers for Clear Understanding


The Mission of the Conference

Two and a half years ago our life was changed without real scientific and social debates, without real control, without the evaluation of the processes. This is the third time already that this conference provides opportunity for the authentic representatives of science to discuss the situation and to form scientific consensus. It reflects the expectation that there are professionals who would like to understand the epidemic based on facts and do not only want to follow the political hysteria.

Information about the conference

The 1st day of the conference is only in English.

The 2nd and 3rd days of the conference (13th and 14th August) are in Hungarian and in English, supported by simultaneous interpretation.

Most of the presentations will be live.

During the conference there is the annual assembly of WFA, the Doctors’ Alliance of the World for Freedom.

Presenter on stage: Michalik Angelika

Before the event, during the breaks and after the presentations there will be concerts about human freedom and ancient Hungarian values.

During the conference, from 6pm on 12th August 2022, there will be a demonstration on Deák square with the participation of foreign speakers. The demonstration aims to get the real figures of the victims of vaccinations, to prohibit the vaccination of children and to stop the misleading manipulation of the population coupled with fear.

Utcai demonstráció

A rendezvény alatt 2022. augusztus 12-én 18 órától a Deák téren Demonstrációt tartunk külföldi előadók fellépésével az Oltás áldozatok számszerű bevallásáért, a gyerek oltások betiltásáért és a laikus tömegek félrevezető, félelmet gerjesztő manipulálásának beszüntetéséért.

There will be audience at the conference.

Taking into consideration the limited capacity of the conference hall, we would like to provide the opportunity to be present for those who support financially the organization of the conference, i.e. about 100 persons. In case seats remain unsold, there will be the option for others to buy entrance tickets as well.

In order to take part at the conference in person it is necessary to register using the following link:

Contact details of the secretariat:

Futó Ildikó +36/70-551-0040 and
Arany Viktória +36/30-967-0375
Email: orvosokatisztanlatasert@tamasiadmin

Options for Accommodation

Budapest Marriott Hotel /Apáczai Csere János u. 4. https://www.marriott.com/hotels/travel/budhu-budapest-marriott-hotel/
Mercure Budapest City /  Váci u 20. https://all.accor.com/hotel/6565/index.en.shtml
Roombach Hotel Budapest Center /  Rumbach Sebestyén u. 14. https://roombach.com/start
Danubius Hotel Astoria City Center / Kossuth Lajos u. 19. https://www.danubiushotels.com/en/our-hotels-budapest/danubius-hotel-astoria
Hotel Gozsdu Court / Király u. 13. https://gozsducourt.com/
Leda Apartments Király utca / Király u. 32. https://ledaapartments.pest-hu.com/hu/

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