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Date: Saturday, August 19. 2023

Location: MVSZ Székház, Turul Ház (1052 Budapest, Semmelweis u. 1-3.)


1. Treating the side effects of the COVID vaccines
2. Plan to overthrow the WHO

The precondition for admission is:

You can enter the conference by paying a minimum HUF 6,000 foundation grant (please enter the word "conference" in the comments field),
after which, please register at the following link, where you can also upload the proof of transfer: REGISTRATION
or call +36-30-967-0375 and send the confirmation of the transfer by e-mail to the e-mail address info@szkitaegyesulet.hu

Registration requires the payment of HUF 6,000 foundation support.
It is possible to register until the number of registered people reaches the room's capacity.

6100 Kiskunfélegyháza, Dr. Holló Lajos utca 23.
From Hungary: 11702043-21456499
From Abroad: IBAN: HU92117020432145649900000000
Tax Number: 19164481-1-03
Company Number: 03-01-0002609

Seats are available in the order of arrival.


09.00 09.15 Opening

09.15 – 10.00 Dr. Heiko Schöning (D) - The WHO and the mafia are interested in transforming the intestinal flora. Why?

10.00 – 10.45 Dr. Maria Hubmer-Mogg (AT) – Trust and freedom - an initiative of the EUROPEAN PARTIES
There are many more of us than our opponents assume, that is the citizens already see through the WHO agenda

10.45 11.05 Lunch break

11.05 – 11.30 Dr. Biserka Ilin Gyöngyi (SI) - What is the WHO planning for us in the near future?

11.30 – 12.00 Győrffy Orsolya (CH) - The WHO's steps towards the World Government, the population's steps to overthrow the WHO

12.00 – 12.25 Dr. Pócs Alfréd (H) - The soul is from God, the vaccine is from Satan, heal with soul!

12.25 14.00 Ebédszünet

14.00 – 14.30 Lőcse István pszichológus (RO) - Strengthen your immune system with emotional intelligence!

14.30 – 14.55 Dr. Ormay Péter (H) - A bit of vaccination history including the WHO's ambition to dominate the world

14.55 – 15.25 Dr. Tuzson Rita (CH) - The last bastion

15.25 – 15.55 Dr. Christian Schubert (A)

15.55 – 16.15 Break

16.15 – 16.45 Dr. Kovács Mónika (H) - COVID epidemic avalanche - What happened behind the scenes?

16.45 – 17.15 Dr. Tamasi József (H) - Vaccine side effects and their treatment, as we can

17.15 – 17.45 Dr. Horkovics-Kováts János - Experiences of mRNA vaccines

17.45 – 18.10 Dr. Grabner István (ARG) - NAC in, spike protein out? (Or how to help vaccine-injured people

18.10 End of the Conference


Dr. Christian Schubert

Győrffy Orsolya

Dr. Horkovics-Kovács János

The organizer of the conference: Caraka Foundation (Caraka.hu)
Patron: Magyarok Világszövetsége (World Association of Hungarians)
Co-organizer: SZKÍTA Egyesület (SZKÍTA Association)

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