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Dr. Ormay Péter

Dentist, Oral Pathologist, Doctor with a Degree in Law

He was born in Miskolc in 1963. He studied at the Medical University of Debrecen and graduated in dentistry in 1986. He started his career in Miskolc. In 1989 he became a specialist, and in 1990 he got a degree in law. Since 1990, for 20 years he was in contact with foreign manufacturers and took active part in the development of dental materials and technologies. 8 years ago he studied in Switzerland new ultrasound surgical procedures and he uses them in his practice in case of dental implantations and oral surgery. The basic idea is to avoid surgical exploration, to minimize invasive surgery while protecting bone cells, and to minimize the trauma of the medical intervention in order to avoid post-surgical pain and swelling. He was running a dental clinic for foreigners in Budapest over several years. 2 years ago he returned to Miskolc. His main principle is „Nil nocere!”

He has three children, among his hobbies are electronics, creative activities, family history research and diving.

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